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Workout Away raise £1,300 for UNICEF in Ukraine!

On Saturday 31st April, Workout Away, with a team of 30-strong, walked ten miles across the city of London in aid of UNICEF's efforts in Ukraine. At the time of publishing, more than £1300 has been raised!

As the conflict escalates in Ukraine, millions of children and their families are in immediate danger. More than half a million children in Ukraine are already affected as the conflict in the country's east escalates.

UNICEF is especially concerned for the safety and well-being of children who have become separated from their families and are working hard to keep children safe. The Walk to Support Ukraine fundraiser event helped to ensure that child health and protection services are sustained, and families have clean water and nutritious food.

On the day of the walk, the group left Hammersmith at 12:15 and arrived in Canary Wharf at 17:15 after walking for nearly five hours. The group was made up of a mix of people from all across London. Some of the group were from Ukraine and had their own stories to tell of people that they knew who had been affected by the conflict.

Although the event is now over, the conflict goes on, so please donate HERE!

Watch the highlights from the event on Instagram.

The group as they arrived at Canary Wharf at 17:15, after walking ten miles.

For more information about what we're doing for charity, or to talk to us about a cause that needs support, please email Christopher Pyne at


An amazing experience filled with consistent action and a willingness to improve your health and fitness in a comfortable and safe environment.

I felt no pressure, just warmness and kindness from the Workout Away team

Yas | Workout Away UK


The team couldn’t have been more helpful and friendly from the moment I enquired.


Chris and Kerry were so welcoming which made a great atmosphere all weekend, it was a really lovely inclusive group.

Lotte | Workout Away UK


A first class, superbly well organised activities break, set in luxurious 5 star surroundings.

If you want a memorable, top quality, adventure activity holiday, coupled with delicious food and a lot of fun, this is highly recommendable.

Sally | Workout Away Portugal


Wow - so glad I joined! I signed up at the last minute to kick-start myself back into good habits after the pandemic - what an amazing team, offering and experience.


The team are SO on it, make you feel so welcome, and I guess as a natural result, attract lovely people to their retreats too

Laura | Workout Away Greece

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